Taking advantage of a trip to USA and hence nice free shipping, I bought a set of OWC DIY Bundle: 60GB 2.5″ OWC Solid State Drive, OWC Data Doubler and OWC 5 Piece Toolkit.
My intention was to remove the optical drive in the MacBook Pro and then replace it with the SSD hard disk. I don’t need a huge SSD as I am only intending to use it to “host” the Mac OS operating system and keeping the rest of the data in the original hard disk provided in the MacBook Pro. The whole process went very smoothly and I am now enjoying the faster speed (okie, I did not exactly got the fastest SSD either) of the SSD and Hard Disk combination. I will cover the HD->SSD migration in the next post.
For now, let me share the package of the OWC data doubler cum 60GB SSD package where it stated that it is “everything you need in one package to replace your internal optical drive with additional storage space”.
The Data Doubler:
The tools provided:
Instruction Manual:
More of the Data Doubler:
More of the SSD: