Driving a Campervan in Perth : What a FUN and SPECIAL Holiday

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A convoy of Campervans in Perth
A convoy of Campervans in Perth

So I have been mentioning about Driving a Campervan in Perth a lot in the previous few posts. So now it is time for me to share the photos of our campervan which we used for 6 days and 5 nights. It took us to many places such as Swan Valley (1,2,3), Tin Horse Highway, Wave Rock, Lake Grace, Sheep Shearing in Springhills, Wagin, eating fantastic and yummy Yabbies in Cambinata and going to Margaret River etc.

Too many places, too little time. Western Australia is amazing. And of course, how can you not be visiting and taking Instagram photos at the amazing Blue Boat House.

Driving a Campervan in Perth with Chan Brothers

I joined a tour organised by UFM 100.3 and Chan Brothers travel agency which has organised a lot of such campervan tours since my tour (I think I am the first of such tours in their company). They even join with other radio stations such as this one in 2023.

Here’s a map from the organiser of this tour which showed where we went with our Campervan. It was a circular loop. Very well planned.

Driving a Campervan in Perth
Map of our route when driving campervan in perth
Kassia New Launch FREEHOLD Condo at Flora Drive

So we booked our tour with Chan Brothers, and among other things (e.g. Getting us the Australian visa, booking hotel stays for us in downtown Perth, detailed planning of the whole trip including farm visit and even organizing a campfire and a small wine tasting one night), they also helped to arrange the campervans (with GPS, insurance and even portable wifi router) and also the booking of campervan sites (every night) for the whole group.

There were about 20-22 camper vans ! Very impressive. Very special. It was an experience I will never forget. It helps that we had a great tour leader, Tevin !

Check out these photos and a Youtube video !

A convoy of Campervans in Perth
A convoy of Campervans in Perth
A convoy of Campervans in Perth
A convoy of Campervans in Perth

Renting a Campervan in Perth

You could, of course, rent your own Campervan and not join in such a big group. It was my first time driving a large vehicle like a Campervan and also was my first time driving in Australia, so I thought it was safer and better.

Indeed, there are many things you need to know and do every night (e.g how to clear grey water, black water, how to connect electricity and fresh water to your campervan, where to park them at night etc). And so it was actually very valuable to have Chan Brothers’ help and advice. They even got an expert in Campervan to accompany us on our tour.

Or you can check out this post on Chan Brother Facebook.

Collecting our Campervan at Britz Perth

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
britz office in perth where we started our journey

We collected our campervan at the Blitz office near to Perth airport (it is about 5-10 mins from the airport), so that’s where you can plan your trip to start.

Our Campervans parked at the collection office:

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
hello !! Maui or Britz campervans

From there, we started our wonderful holiday driving a campervan in Perth !!

it was a short drive to a nearby supermarket (e.g. Coles, IGV) to stock up on your supplies and then it was another short drive to Swan Valley and to spend the night at the nearby Discovery Park Perth Vineyard.

For my campervan, although we booked a four person campervan, the company was able to give us an upgrade to a 6 person campervan (there is one more bed at night which you can convert from the dining table !). It was cool.

The brand of our campervan was Maui but no difference lah. I think I am even the first driver as it felt so new.

Meet our Beautiful Campervan

Hey baby ! You are mine for the next few days…

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
my campervan is a maui campervan
Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
it is huge
Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
sideview of a campervan
Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
mine is a six person campervan

A tour inside a Campervan

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
A tour inside a Campervan

Driver’s area with a nice big view and a DAMN Good GPS from TomTom. I am guessing by now in 2023, you might be using your phone with the latest driving apps instead.

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
tomtom gps

And lots of storage areas in the car and two power plugs for your phones. One of them will be working at night (when you plug in at electricity point at the Campervan site) and one of them only works when the engine starts.

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
A tour inside a Campervan
Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
A tour inside a Campervan

I know these are important to people 🙂

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
A tour inside a Campervan
Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
A tour inside a Campervan

A good storage space above the driver. Put a bluetooth speaker there, and u have music all the way from ur phone 🙂

A video of the interior of a campervan

Do subscribe to MyWoklife YouTube Channel 🙂

Sleeping in a Campervan

Sleeping in a Campervan
Sleeping in a Campervan

A nice bed at the back of the campervan where you have three big windows.. nice place to view and even nicer to sleep in…. don’t worry. Curtains are there to cover for privacy.

Sleeping in a Campervan
Sleeping in a Campervan

Another sleeping quarter above the driver seat

Lots of privacy at night, with curtains to close off the sleeping area above the driver seat and the front driver area

Holiday with a Campervan in Perth
Sleeping in a Campervan
Sleeping in a Campervan
Sleeping in a Campervan

Now in the daytime, this area are where the passengers’ seats (and you need to have a child seat in very strict Australia highway rules) and you can then convert this area first to a dining area and then later at night to a sleeping area (enough for 2 person !)

Cooking in a Campervan

There was a kitchen and boy did we cook. Australia’s fresh food are so yummy (the vegetables, the meats, the fruits…)… Actually the whole fun of holiday in a campervan in Perth is that you get to cook your meals using the Australia’s fresh food !!

Cooking in a Campervan
Cooking in a Campervan

In this photo, you can see lots of storage above the kitchen.. we used it to store our food to be cooked:

Cooking in a Campervan
Cooking in a Campervan

The campervan came with everything, even a bread toaster, a microwave, cooking utensils, plates, bowls, pots and pans (which make a lot of sound when you are driving). You really can cook up a decent meal !

Food to cook in a campervan
Cooking in a Campervan
Food to cook in a campervan
Cooking in a Campervan

Some of the food we cooked…

Food to cook in a campervan
Cooking in a Campervan
Food to cook in a campervan
Cooking in a Campervan
Food to cook in a campervan
Cooking in a Campervan

Chai Siew even !

Food to cook in a campervan
Cooking in a Campervan

Watch this video on what are the essential food to buy and prepare for campervan cooking !!

Relaxing and Dining out in the Open

Relaxing and Dining out in the Open
Relaxing and Dining out in the Open

And when the weather is good (well it was good every single day we were there in June 2017), you can move out your table and chairs for a nice dinner outside ! The table and chairs are very foldable and are kept at the back of the campervan. No worries.

Relaxing and Dining out in the Open
Relaxing and Dining out in the Open

Toilets in a Campervan : I know it is important for us all

My Campervan came with a toilet (we will talk about how to get rid of the “stuff you passed out from your body” in the next blog post)

Toilets in a Campervan
Toilets in a Campervan

Behind this small door is the toilet..

Toilets in a Campervan
Toilets in a Campervan
Toilets in a Campervan
Toilets in a Campervan

Driving Tip : Be Very Careful of the Tall Height of a Campervan

Driving Tip : Be Very Careful of the Tall Height of a Campervan
Driving Tip : Be Very Careful of the Tall Height of a Campervan

Do be very careful of the height of the campervan. Check out how close I was to destroying a petrol kiosk roof top!

Driving Tip : Be Very Careful of the Tall Height of a Campervan
Driving Tip : Be Very Careful of the Tall Height of a Campervan

Be Careful !! 🙂

Will share more on what to do at night when you parked the car at a campervan site. And yes you must as you need to “recharge the car” and add fresh water to your car !

Conclusion of Driving a Campervan in Perth

It was a brilliant trip of driving a Campervan in Perth. I totally enjoyed the drive and it helped that all the logistics stuff has been settled by the Chan Brothers tour agency. I just enjoy the ride and the food and the scenery. The work at the end of the day to prepare for the night and the next day was rather fun even though it was work.

Most importantly… I know my children loved the trip and the wife loved the cooking.

For me, it was really a different way of holidaying in Perth. I would definitely consider to do a campervan drive in other parts of Australia.

Will you be driving in a camper van in Australia ? Let me know in the comments if you have done so and want to share your experiences !

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  1. Hi Pat,

    Your campervan holiday trip is exactly what I’m planning for. Great to see your posts. I’m planning to Sep school holiday trip.

    Was your itinerary similar to what Chan Borthers is advertising ?

    Do you mind sharing detailed driving plan, discovery parks , as well as places that you visited ?

    Would very much appreciate it if you can share the detailed itinerary with me . Do kindly forward to my email address @ [email protected].

    Thank you very much in advance.

  2. Hi Pat,

    Your campervan holiday trip is exactly what I’m planning too. Feel great to see your posts. I’m planning to June school holiday trip. Some error happen when i click in the link. Could you please send the itinery to my email @ [email protected]

    Thanks so much!

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