Feeding Animals at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

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My previous blog was about how to get to the Flying Cow Ranch at Miaoli Taiwan.

Now I am sharing some photos and videos (lots of videos!) of the amazing Flying Cow Ranch in Taiwan. In particular, I am sharing the feeding stuff. Yes, you get lots of chances to feed all kinds of farm animals at this ranch. I think this is a wonderful experience for city kids (like in Singapore…). Lots of fun. Lots of new stuff to try out πŸ™‚

Many photo taking oppritunities
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Grab a map and read up on the places you can go to and most importantly, the times of the activities (such as feeding the calf time !)
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Lots of good sign boards to help you around. The place is huge but you cannot get lost
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Except if you walk into a giant spider…
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Remember to grab your free milk :). This is damn nice. I bet you will buy more after that.
Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

First stop ! Feed the Rabbits !
Feeding Rabbits at Flying Cow Ranch

You can take the food but please pay. This place works on trust. Please don’t be an ugly tourist… drop the money and grab a packet. No one will monitor you but please be nice. Take the chance to teach honesty values to your children πŸ™‚
Feeding Rabbits at Flying Cow Ranch

Feeding Rabbits at Flying Cow Ranch
Feeding Rabbits at Flying Cow Ranch
Feeding Rabbits at Flying Cow Ranch

Moving on .. and more self serve feeding station:
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

And these goats will climb up the man made bridge to get food (you give) at the top.. interesting
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

A video I took:


Reminds me of The Three Billy Goat Gruff πŸ™‚

I don’t know about you but this place really makes me feel very calm.. It is tranquil (and if there are less tourists, it is even better)…

A panoramic view (click for full photo):
Panorama Photo of Flying Cow Ranch

Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Other farm animals to feed…
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Flying Cow Ranch

There are shows and events to enjoy too.. feeding calves and duck walking show
Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch Taiwan

Duck Show at Flying Cow Ranch

A video…. the Duck show πŸ™‚

And you can feed the calves with milk too !
Milk Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch
Milk Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch
Milk Feeding at Flying Cow Ranch

Video of Milk Feeding !

Having an ice cream and watching the kids feed is another enjoyable time in a trip.. Peace and Harmony..
Flying Cow Ranch
Flying Cow Ranch

Flying Cow Ranch


Or a yoghurt πŸ™‚

Flying Cow Ranch

Will share photos of our accommodation in next blog post.. watch for it !

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