Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

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I got myself a Kindle Paperwhite. Yes, yet another gadget. I am running out of excuses for my lack of control πŸ™‚

Nevertheless, sharing the photos of the Kindle Paperwhite.. it really is much better to read in the dark than the previous one (which requires an external light much like the Sony PRS505). But the light is NOT uniform. I can see the light more obvious at the bottom than spread out nicely through the rest of the screen… will not spoil your reading experience but nevertheless, just let you know my view. And oh yes, at the time of writing, there is a new firmware that you should download.. here’s the link to version 5.3.0.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Unboxing time ! πŸ™‚

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

No power plug/adaptor this time.. it is additional cost from Amazon. Lucky I still have my old one…
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

On screen keyboard..
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

USB Connector and Switch
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Let’s compare the new Kindle Paperwhite and the older Kindle:
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

In day:
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

And in the night where obviously this is what Kindle Paperwhite is all about πŸ™‚
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

And some photos with an iPad running Kindle app and the new Kindle Paperwhite. Not really appropriate since Apple can change brightness levels anyway πŸ™‚

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
(in this photo, you can see clearly the uneven-ness of the light in Amazon Kindle Paperwhite.. look at the bottom of the screen versus the rest :(…)

It is better when I crank up the brightness…
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

Will share photos of setting up process next time πŸ™‚

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