Capitol Satay Malacca 7 Years Later

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I ate at the famous Capitol Satay 7 years ago (in 2008) and finally, after all these years, I made it back to Malacca. Things have not changed much. The same attractions but this time, we stayed at a nice new hotel called Swiss Garden Residence (will share about it next few blog posts).

But back to Capitol Satay. Food still as tasty as ever…. Queue still as long as ever… After eating, table still look as messy as ever…

Except…. Signboards have changed though 🙂

Capitol Satay Malacca
Capitol Satay Malacca
Capitol Satay Malacca

7 years ago.. in a slightly earlier part of the evening, where the queue was NOT so long 🙂
Capitol Satay Malacca
Capitol Satay Malacca

And this time, more photos than the last time. Guess the use of iPhone helps a lot..

The process of preparing the gravy at your table:
Preparing the Satay Sauce Capitol Satay Malacca
Preparing the Satay Sauce Capitol Satay Malacca
Preparing the Satay Sauce Capitol Satay Malacca
Mixing it:
Preparing the Satay Sauce Capitol Satay Malacca
And ready for you:
Preparing the Satay Sauce Capitol Satay Malacca

Just don’t ever ask me if they recycled the satay sauce after you are finished. I don’t think so and I don’t want to know too 🙂 🙂 🙂

Now to pick these food…. RM1.10 per stick..
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection

And a nice selection:
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection

Or these:
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection

My favourite:
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection

Bring them to your table and cook them in that juicy sauce !!
Capitol Satay Malacca Food For Selection

And yes, me ever the romantic, sat back at the exact same table 7 years ago….. with a happy little “joy of life”.

Will I be back ever again..

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