AppleTV 1080p version

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I am a great fan of the Apple TV product (no.. not the rumored TV itself.. but the nice cute black box). On its own, it is a great tool for use in United States where you can get TV streaming and iTunes movies and Netflix and whatever.. but in Singapore, we do not have that. Instead, I paired it up with a XBMC software and it made beautiful amazing media player. The interface makes it so nice to watch… See here and here

the version that I can install XBMC on is the original Apple TV2 which is 720p.

Recently (okie not too recently), Apple released a 1080p version of the Apple TV. So far, I think there are still no jailbreak ability for that Apple TV (sob) so that I can install XBMC on it to enjoy 1080p stuff.. sob.

Nevertheless, I had to get it when I was in USA and so here it is…..

Photos !!

Apple TV 1080p version

Apple TV 1080p version

Apple TV 1080p version

Apple TV 1080p version

Apple TV 1080p version

The usual connectors:
Apple TV 1080p version

I got a spare 720p Apple TV2 at home so here’s some comparison of the boxing:

Apple TV 1080p version

Apple TV 1080p version

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