A Jog at Lower Peirce Reservoir

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Went jogging last night at Lower Peirce Reservoir. Always wanted to go and check out the place for a while. So drove there and parked at the car park near to the entrance at Upper Thomson Road.

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore Entrance

I don’t think it is much of a jogging place as the actual jogging track is quite short (a flat short track around the reservoir) and if you really want to run more, you need to jog into the man made trail that is newly opened (known as Lower Peirce Trail).

Lower Peirce Reservoir Trail

The trail cuts into the “forest” alongside the reservoir and is made of wooden steps with platform stops at certain points (very nicely done like Changi Broadwalk). I stopped halfway as I realized I am getting deeper into the “forest” and I am scared of BEES (grin). Saw HUGE ants and squirrels and monkeys too. Had this vision of hornet bees chasing after me and decided that nature running is not my cup of tea πŸ™‚

Anyway, as I walked back, I found a very nice corner of the reservoir and I just sat there just listening to the iPhone and think. Very relaxing place. Windy and nice. Romantic to a certain extent.

And, of course, as usual, I was taking photos of the place (using iPhone Camera) as well as tried to do some twitter (using TwitPict and RoadTweets and TweetDock) at the place πŸ™‚

And definitely, upload my very short run using RunKeeper to the web site, runkeeper.com

My run at runkeeper.com

Some photos taken with iPhone

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

Lower Peirce Reservoir Singapore

And when I am back home, I have to try out Apple iPhoto and see the geo-tagging of the photos taken using iPhone.

Lower Peirce Reservoir in iPhoto

Technology cannot escape my life. Even for a jog πŸ™‚

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